Commission Meeting Minutes September 23, 201910/15/2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, September 23, 2019 at 5:45pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Mercer gave the Invocation. Commissioner Reeves led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Troy Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the September 9, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of September 4, 2019 through September 17, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the FY2020 Budget (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve Constitution Week Proclamation (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve FY20 Detention Contract with Department of Youth Services (DYS) for (1) detention bed (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve FY20 Long Term Detention Subsidy Agreement with Montgomery County for (2) detention beds (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve FY20 Diversion Grant Contract with Department of Youth Services (DYS) (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve Humane Society of Elmore County FY20 Agreement (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve awarding Elmore County Primary Care Development CDBG Grant Bid to the lowest bidder, Alexander Sealcoating & Striping, Inc. (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve License Agreement for Use of Courthouse Grounds by the Elmore County Democratic Party to conduct monthly meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6pm in the Old Courtroom (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve setting a public hearing on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 for a 011- Lounge Retail Liquor – Class II (Package) Liquor License Application by Jani Bhai, LLC for Redland Package Store 6513 Redland Road, Wetumpka, AL 36093 (attachment 10). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve awarding Bid Inquiry No. 2020-1, Fuel Bid, to the lowest responsible bidder (attachment 11). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve awarding Bid Inquiry No. 2020-2, Motor Grader Blades Bid, to the lowest responsible bidder (attachment 12). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve awarding Bid Inquiry No. 2020-3, Cleaning County Facilities Bid, to the lowest responsible bidder (attachment 13). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve proposed plat of Oak Creek Plat 1 (attachment 14)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 15)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of resignation of Steven Bush, Corrections Officer, effective 9/26/19 (attachment 16)
- Notification of resignation of William Jesse, Dispatcher, effective 9/17/19 (attachment 17)
- Notification of hire of Bonnie Speed, Dispatcher Tier I (replace W. Jesse), effective 10/03/19 (attachment 18)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes September 9, 20199/24/2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, September 9, 2019 at 5:40pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Mercer gave the Invocation. Commissioner Reeves led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Troy Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the August 12, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of August 2, 2019 through September 3, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve awarding Probate Bid RFP #2019-001 Tag & Title Office Renewal Notices Service to lowest responsible bidder, Diversified Companies, LLC (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to carryover the FY2020 Budget. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve Resolution to Relocate Precinct No. 0121, located at Buyck Fire Department, to New Home Baptist Church in Titus, AL effective with the next election (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve Contract for Use of Property as a Polling Site with New Home Baptist Church in Titus, AL (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve FY2020 E-911 Dispatch Agreement (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Digital Information Cooperative Mapping Agreement with ALDOT (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve awarding Bid Inquiry No. 2019-18, Surplus Scrap Metal Bid #2, to the highest responsible bidder, Robinson Recycling (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve proposed plat of Redland Ridge Plat 3 (attachment 9)
- Approve proposed plat of The Ridge Phase V (attachment 9)
- Approve proposed plat of Brookwood Plat 10 (attachment 9)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 10)
- Declare Commission Office Dell XPS 15 surplus and donate to the Elmore Volunteer Fire Department (attachment 11)
- Approve Request for Declaration of Emergency Illness for Kurt Golson, Equipment Operator II (attachment 12)
- Approve Request for Declaration of Emergency Illness for Loretta White, Tag Supervisor (attachment 13)
- Approve 40 hours sick leave donation from Sam Williamson to Loretta White (attachment 14)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of resignation of Geoffrey Young, Corrections Officer, effective 8/16/19 (attachment 15)
- Notification of hire of Michael Watson, Corrections Officer (replace G. Young), effective 9/1/19 (attachment 16)
- Notification of resignation of Demetrius Hooks, Corrections Officer, effective 9/8/19 (attachment 17)
- Notification of hire of Jason Brosius, Jr., Corrections Officer (replace T. East), effective 8/18/19 (attachment 18)
- Notification of resignation of Dan Bailey, Courthouse Security, effective 8/13/19 (attachment 19)
- Notification of resignation of George Luster, Courthouse Security, effective 8/13/19 (attachment 20)
- Notification of hire of Glendon “Leo” Stacks, Courthouse Security (replace D. Bailey), effective 8/19/19 (attachment 21)
- Notification of hire of Judge “Tracy” Headley, Courthouse Security (replace G. Luster), effective 8/19/19 (attachment 22)
- Notification of hire of Farrell Scott, Shop Manager (replace A. Elliott), effective 9/3/19 (attachment 23)
- Notification of hire of Elmore Young, Equipment Operator I (fill vacant position), effective 8/19/19 (attachment 24)
- Notification of resignation of Crissie Garcia, Dispatch Supervisor, effective 9/2/19 (attachment 25)
- Notification of hire of Christin Norris, Dispatcher Tier I, effective 9/5/19 (attachment 26)
- Notification of resignation of Charles King, Assistant Engineer, effective 10/10/19 (attachment 27)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes August 12, 20199/09/2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, August 12, 2019 at 5:50pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Mercer gave the Invocation. Commissioner Reeves led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Troy Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Minutes of the July 22, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of July 17, 2019 through August 1, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve appointing Commissioner Bart Mercer to the ACCA Legislative Committee (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve budget amendments related to Drug Task Force accounts with regards to federal regulations and to account for insurance proceeds and expenditures to replace tornado losses (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve FY2020 Holiday Schedule (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve FY2020 Commission Meeting Dates Schedule (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 6)
- Approve Request for Declaration of Emergency Illness for Finola Morgan, Tier II Dispatcher (attachment 7)
- Approve Request for Declaration of Emergency Illness for Cathryn Irvin, Admin/IT Clerk (attachment 8)
- Approve 120 hours sick leave donation from Richard Morgan to Finola Morgan (attachment 9)
- Approve 40 hours sick leave donation from Christi Pullen to Cathryn Irvin (attachment 10)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of resignation of Adam Elliott, Shop Manager, effective 7/25/19 (attachment 11)
- Notification of resignation of Jesse Hill, Corrections Officer, effective 9/6/19 (attachment 12)
- Notification of resignation of Taylor East, Corrections Officer, effective 8/17/19 (attachment 13)
- Notification of resignation of Jordan N. Denney, Deputy, effective 7/26/19 (attachment 14)
- Notification of resignation of Zachary Sumerlin, Deputy, effective 7/25/19 (attachment 15)
- Notification of transfer of Kentaevious Kendrick from Corrections to Patrol (replace Z. Sumerlin), effective 7/25/19 (attachment 16)
- Notification of change of status of Nathan “Wyatt” Owens from part-time to full-time Corrections Officer (replace K. Kendrick), effective 8/14/19 (attachment 17)
- Notification of hire of Michael Shirah, Deputy (replace J. Denney), effective 8/18/19 (attachment 18)
There were no Additions to the Reports
to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes July 22, 20198/12/2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, July 22, 2019 at 5:55pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Chairman Stubbs gave the Invocation. Commissioner Holt led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Troy Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Minutes of the July 8, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of July 2, 2019 through July 16, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve a 050 – Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and a 070 – Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) Liquor License Application by DOLGENCORP, LLC for Dollar General Store 20157, 150 Titus Rd, Titus, AL 36080 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to appoint Michael Waters to the Community Action Partnership of Middle Alabama (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to appoint Rashawn Blassingame to the Montgomery Area Mental Health Authority Board (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve to appoint Hertisene Crenshaw and Fagale Shuford Grant to the Crenshaw Park Board (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Resolution to relocate Precinct No. 0220, located at Grandview Pines Baptist Church, to TriCity Baptist Church effective with the next election (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Contract for Use of Property as a Polling Site with TriCity Baptist Church (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve releasing $21,896.64 of unclaimed funds over 10 years old to the General Fund from County Fiduciary Account (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve FY2020 Rebuild Alabama County Transportation Plan (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve construction agreement with ALDOT to Micro Surface & Stripe Firetower Road from Redland Road north 3.795 miles to SR-14 STPAA-2619 (250), ECP 26-03-18 (attachment 10). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve construction agreement with ALDOT to Micro Surface & Stripe Redland Road from east of Rifle Range Road east 7.144 miles to Marshell Road STPAA-2619 (251), ECP 26-02-18 (attachment 11). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve resolution to Micro Surface & Stripe Flatwood Road from Dead End north 3.0 miles to Ceasarville Road ECP 26-53-19 (attachment 12). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve resolution to Micro Surface & Stripe Flatwood Curve from Mehearg Road east 0.5 miles to Flatwood Road ECP 26-54-19 (attachment 13). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve resolution to Micro Surface & Stripe Mehearg Road from AL Hwy 14 north 1.6 miles to Flatwood Road ECP 26-55-19 (attachment 14). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve resolution to Micro Surface & Stripe Fort Toulouse Road from Fort Toulouse East 2.4 miles to US Hwy 231 ECP 26-56-19 (attachment 15). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve resolution to Micro Surface & Stripe Edgewood Road from Cobbs Ford Road east 2.1 miles to AL Hwy 143 ECP 26-57-19 (attachment 16). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve resolution to Micro Surface & Stripe Coosada Road from AL Hwy 143 east 4.4 miles to Blackwells Drive ECP 26-58-19 (attachment 17). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve resolution to Widen, Level, Resurface, and Traffic Stripe Laurel Creek/ Rea Road from US Hwy 231 east 2.9 miles to Weoka Road (attachment 18). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to authorize CEOO and/or Deputy Chief Engineer to order triaxle dump trucks, dump bodies, lowboy tractors and motorgraders off the ACCA Joint Bid Program as presented (attachment 19). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 20)
- Approve proposed plat for Coventry Plat 1 (attachment 21)
- Approve Request for Declaration of Emergency Illness for Loretta White, Tag Supervisor (attachment 22)
- Approve 24 hours sick leave donation from Sam Williamson to Loretta White (attachment 23)
- Approve 16 hours sick leave donation from Jimmy Woodall to Loretta White (attachment 24)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of resignation of Earnest J. Edwards, Equipment Operator II, effective 6/24/19 (attachment 25)
- Notification of military leave for Jacob Shamblin, Probate Chief Clerk, effective 8/11/19 (attachment 26)
- Notification of change of status of Bryclynn Thornton (replace A.Smirnoff), part-time Corrections Officer to full-time Corrections Officer, effective 7/9/19 (attachment 27)
- Notification of hire of Nathan “Wyatt” Owens, part-time Corrections Officer (replace B. Thornton), effective 7/25/19 (attachment 28)
- Notification of reassignment of Jordan Denney, Deputy to Patrol (replace A. Carr), effective 7/15/19 (attachment 29)
- Notification of reassignment of Chase Shaw, Investigator to DEA (replace J. Denney), effective 7/15/19 (attachment 30)
- Notification of reassignment of A. Carr, Investigator (replace C. Shaw), effective 7/15/19 (attachment 31)
- Notification of resignation of Robin Hodges, Dispatcher, effective 7/26/19 (attachment 32)
- Notification of hire of Kristi Taylor, Dispatcher Tier II (replace R. Hodges), effective 7/26/19 (attachment 33)
There were no Additions to the Reports
to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes July 8, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, July 8, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, July 8, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Daugherty gave the Invocation. Commissioner Reeves led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Troy Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Minutes of the June 24, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of June 20, 2019 through July 1, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Reeves Memorandum of Agreement with Maxwell Air Force Base for Notifications of Actions in Support of Military Compatibility (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve setting a Public Hearing on Monday, July 22, 2019 at 5pm for a 050 – Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and a 070 – Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) Liquor License Application by DOLGENCORP, LLC for Dollar General Store 20157, 150 Titus Rd, Titus, AL 36080 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 4)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of resignation of Lewis “Stan” Walls, Courthouse Security, effective 7/5/19 (attachment 5)
- Notification of hire of Frank “Alex” Morrow, Courthouse Security (replace S. Walls), effective 7/11/19 (attachment 6)
- Notification of resignation of Anna Smirnoff, Corrections Lieutenant, effective 6/27/19 (attachment 7
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes June 24, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, June 24, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, June 24, 2019 at 5:40pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Holt gave the Invocation. Commissioner Mercer led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Troy Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Minutes of the June 10, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of June 5, 2019 through June 19, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve a 30 day extension to identify candidates for appointment to the Community Action Partnership of Middle Alabama. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve extending inmate telephone agreement with Securus Technologies (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve 2020 Domestic Violence grant application and authorize the Chairman execute and approve the County’s match of $19,626.06 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
- Approve proposed plat of the Estates at Wildwood (attachment 4)
- Approve surplus and sale of Highway Department 2005 Ford F-250 (attachment 5)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 6)
- Approve Declaration of Emergency Illness for Cindy Nelson, Administrative Assistant (attachment 7)
- Approve 40 hours sick leave donation from Luke McGinty to Cindy Nelson (attachment 8)
- Approve 40 hours sick leave donation from Richie Beyer to Cindy Nelson (attachment 9)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Vicky Strickland, Tag Clerk (replace L. Baker), effective 6/09/19 (attachment 10)
- Notification of hire of Savannah Jo Deininger, Tag Clerk (fill vacant position), effective 6/09/19 (attachment 11)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes June 10, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, June 10, 2019 at 5:45pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Reeves gave the Invocation. Chairman Stubbs led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Troy Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the May 23, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of May 18, 2019 through June 4, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute sales agreement and ancillary documents with the City of Wetumpka for the Thames Building at 121. E. Bridge Street, Wetumpka, AL (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty. Commissioner Holt voted against the motion. The motion carried.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve Annual Report on Errors, Insolvents and Litigations on taxes for 2018 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve acceptance of RC&D Grant (for CERT training materials) including necessary budget amendments (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve accepting resignation of Wendell Saxon from the Crenshaw Community Park Board (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve surplus and sale of Revenue Commission Dodge R1500 (attachment 6)
- Approve surplus and sale of Commission Office Dodge Durango (attachment 7)
- Approve 105 hours sick leave donation from Anthony Edwards to Angela Rigsby (attachment 8)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 9)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Rhonda Penn, Crenshaw Park Summer Counselor, effective 5/30/19 (attachment 10)
- Notification of hire of Raven Crenshaw, Crenshaw Park Summer Counselor, effective 5/30/19 (attachment 11)
- Notification of transfer of Sarah Glenn, Tag Clerk to Probate Clerk (replace J. Smith), effective 5/26/19 (attachment 12)
- Notification of resignation of Linda Baker, Tag Clerk, effective 6/7/19 (attachment 13)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes May 23, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 5:22pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Daugherty. Vice-Chairman Daugherty gave the Invocation. Commissioner Mercer led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Vice-Chairman Mack Daugherty the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Minutes of the May 13, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of May 8, 2019 through May 17, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve 011 – Lounge Retail Liquor – Class II (Package) Liquor License Application by Lakeside Hwy 111, LLC for Lakeside Hwy Package Store, 6269 Holtville Rd, Wetumpka, AL 36093 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve 050 – Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and a 070 – Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) Liquor License Application by Lakeside Hwy 111, LLC for Lakeside Marathon, 6265 Holtville Rd, Wetumpka, AL 36093 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve modifications to Community Action Partnership of Middle Alabama Bylaws (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve transferring Excess Tax Sale Funds from the May 16, 2016 Tax Sale to the General Fund as per attached list (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve revised utility agreement for Highway Safety Improvement Program Project with ALDOT, Project No. HSIP-2616 (250), ECP 26-05-16U (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Travel Memo as amended during the Work Session (attachment 7)
- Approve Family Medical Leave Request for Angelia Rigsby, Dispatcher, effective 5/15/19 (attachment 8)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of promotion of Anne-Margaret Trost, Dispatcher to Dispatch Supervisor (replace L. Rucker), effective 5/26/19 (attachment 9)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously
Commission Meeting Minutes May 13, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, May 13, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, May 13, 2019 at 5:50pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Chairman Stubbs gave the Invocation. Commissioner Holt led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the April 25, 2019 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of April 18, 2019 through May 7, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve proposed vacation of a portion of Nabors Circle (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Resolution recognizing Edgewood Academy Softball Team as 2019 AISA 2A State Champions (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve Resolution recognizing Edgewood Academy Girls Track & Field Team as 2019 AISA 2A State Champions (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve appointment of Leo Gross and Charles Turner as Deputy Coroners (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Foster Parent Appreciation Month Proclamation (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Syscon Professional Services Agreement Extension for the Probate Office (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve Emergency Medical Service Board new contract agreement with Haynes Ambulance (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve setting a Public Hearing on Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 5pm for a 050 – Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and a 070 – Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) Liquor License Application by Lakeside Hwy 111, LLC for Lakeside Marathon, 6265 Holtville Rd, Wetumpka, AL 36093 (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve setting a Public Hearing on Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 5pm for a 011 – Lounge Retail Liquor – Class II (Package) Liquor License Application by Lakeside Hwy 111, LLC for Lakeside Hwy Package Store, 6269 Holtville Rd, Wetumpka, AL 36093 (attachment 10). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Family Medical Leave Request for William Robbins, Investigator, effective 5/28/19 (attachment 11)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of resignation of Jessica Smith, Probate Clerk, effective 5/20/19 (attachment 12)
- Notification of transfer of Lisa Rucker, Dispatch Supervisor to Dispatcher, effective 4/24/19 (attachment 13
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes April 25, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Thursday, April 25, 2019
9:53 am
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 9:53 am in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Presiding Juvenile Judge, Patrick Pinkston gave the Invocation. Commissioner Reeves led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Minutes of the April 8, 2019 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of April 3, 2019 through April 17, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute resolution for CDBG Economic Development Float Loan Funds to be utilized for the construction of a new medical facility in Wetumpka (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 4)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of termination of Benjamin Patrick, Equipment Operator I, effective 04/08/19 (attachment 5)
- Notification of hire of Justin Fomby, Mechanic I (fill vacant slot), effective 05/13/19 (attachment 6)
- Notification of hire of Tony Gardner, Equipment Operator II, (fill vacant slot), effective 04/29/19 (attachment 7)
During Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session, Chief Engineer and Operations Officer, Richie Beyer, notified the Commission that the contract was executed for the document management component of countywide dispatch software upgrades as approved in FY 19 Budget. Richie recommended talking to the different groups about opportunities for civic responsibilities. Mr. Beyer said the students would have opportunities to talk with a lot of great staff and should ask about career opportunities through the agencies they were visiting with and with the county. He encouraged the students to take the Commissioners advice to ask questions. Mr. Beyer also thanked the staff for the work they did to prepare for the event. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes April 8, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, April 8, 2019
5:35 pm
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, April 8, 2019 at 5:35 pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Daugherty gave the Invocation. Commissioner Mercer led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Minutes of the March 25, 2019 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of March 15, 2019 through April 2, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve a 011 – Lounge Retail Liquor – Class II (Package – off Premises only) Liquor License Application for Nails Liquor by GID Capital LLC 8394C Kowaliga Road, Eclectic, AL 36024 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Son of the South Productions to film in the courtroom of the Historic Courthouse on April 24th, 2019 on April 8, 2019 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve Chairman to execute revised resolution for the CDBG grant improvements to support the development of thee Elmore County Medical Center in Wetumpka (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve setting a public hearing for May 13th, 2019 to consider vacating a portion of Nabors Circle (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Deputy Chief Engineer to execute lease agreement for a copier through State of Alabama contract T190 (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to award Wetumpka Chamber of Commerce to utilize the grounds of the Historic County Courthouse on May 4, 2019 (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Travel Memo (attachment 8)
- Request for Declaration of Emergency Illness – Angelia Rigsby (attachment 9)
- Leave Donation Request for employee Angelia Rigsby with leave donations as follows (attachment 10):
- 160 hours sick leave – Robert Moncrief
- 40 hours sick leave – Glenna Cauthen
- 36 hours annual leave – Amanda Dunn
- 24 hours sick leave – Alona Lindsey
- 24 hours sick leave – Shaniqua Taylor
- 12 hours sick leave – Lisa Rucker
- 4 hours annual leave – Jacquelyn Hogan
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer made a motion to convene in Executive Session
to discuss matters of trade and commerce (attachment 11). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves made a motion to reconvene to the Business Meeting after the Executive Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes March 25, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, March 25, 2019
5:25 pm
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, March 25, 2019 at 5:25 pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Holt gave the Invocation. Chairman Stubbs led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Minutes of the March 11, 2019 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of March 6, 2019 through March 14, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve a 050 – Retail Beer (off Premises only) and 070 – Retail Table Wine (off Premises Only) Liquor License Application for Lake Jordan Bait and Tackle by Lake Jordan Bait and Tackle, LLC., 1165 Lightwood Road, Deatsville, AL 36022 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve scheduling a public hearing for a 011 – Lounge Retail Liquor – Class II (Package – off Premises only) Liquor License Application for Nails Liquor by GID Capital LLC 8394C Kowaliga Road, Eclectic, AL 36024 on April 8, 2019 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve a resolution to replace guardrail at bridges on Sewell Road, Baltzer Road and Peace Church Road (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve an agreement with ALDOT to replace guardrail at bridges on Sewell Road, Baltzer Road and Peace Church Road (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to award Bid Inquiry No. 2019-16, Surplus Scrap Metal, to the highest responsible bidder (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to award Bid Inquiry No. 2019-17, Surplus Scrap Signs and Scrap Sign Posts, to the highest responsible bidder (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Travel Memo (attachment 8)
- Leave Donation for K. Erb by Richie Beyer – 40 Hours Sick Leave (attachment 9)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Alex Knapp, Project Inspector PT (fill vacant slot), effective 03-18-19 (attachment 10)
- Notification of hire of Adam Elliot, Shop Manager (fill vacant slot), effective 04-01-19 (attachment 11)
- Notification of hire of Charles Patrick, Equipment Operator I, (fill vacant slot), effective 04/01/19 (attachment 12)
- Notification of hire of James Graham, Equipment Operator I (fill vacant slot), effective 04/01/19 (attachment 13)
- Notification of hire of Jason Wright, Equipment Operator I (fill vacant slot), effective 04/01/19 (attachment 14)
- Notification of promotion of Kelli Friday, Chief Appraiser (fill vacant slot), effective 03-18-19 (attachment 15)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes March 11, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, March 11, 2019
6:15 pm
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, March 11, 2019 at 6:15 pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Reeves gave the Invocation. Commissioner Daugherty led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Special Recognition:
2019 Edgewood Academy Wildcats Boys’ Varsity Basketball Team and Athletic Director and Head Boys’ Basketball Coach Darryl Free was recognized by the Commission for their achievement of the 2019 AISA Class 2A State Basketball Champions
Sophomores - Xander McWilliams, Mason Blackwell and Kyler Adams was recognized by the Commission for their achievements as 2018-2019 Class 6A State Wrestling Champions
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Minutes of the February 25, 2019 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of February 22, 2019 through March 5, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve surplus of Sheriff Department vehicles and selling same through JM Wood Auction (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to deny the petition for excess funds from tax sale by Jay Jerman (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve award of bid for partial roof replacement at the Historic Elmore County Courthouse to the lowest responsible bidder, Tecta America Southeast, LLC (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve award of bid for standing seam metal roof repairs at the Elmore County Jail to the lowest responsible bidder, Alabama Roofing & Sheet Metal Co, Inc. (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve authorizing the Elmore County Emergency Medical Services Board to begin contract negotiations with Haynes Ambulance, lowest and sole bidder of EMS Request for Proposal/bid (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve authorizing Chairman and/or CEOO to execute commercial lease to retain the Elmore County Probate Office Millbrook Annex in its current location (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve authorizing Chairman and/or CEOO to execute contract with CMH Architects for replacement facility for Sheriff’s Department Facility destroyed by January 19th, 2019 tornado (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Emergency Family Medical Leave for Vicki Stewart (attachment 9)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Patrick Smith, Equipment Operator I (fill vacant slot), effective 03-18-19 (attachment 10)
- Notification of hire of Lincoln Glenn, Equipment Operator II (fill vacant slot), effective 03-18-19 (attachment 11)
- Notification of termination of Robert Carro, Corrections Officer PT, effective 02/25/19 (attachment 12)
- Notification of promotion of Dwayne Mathews, Construction Supervisor (fill vacant slot), effective 03-18-19 (attachment 13)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Daugherty moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes February 25, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, February 25, 2019
5:40 pm
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, February 25, 2019 at 5:40 pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Reeves gave the Invocation. Commissioner Holt led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the February 11, 2019 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of February 2, 2019 through February 20, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve a petition to vacate a public road off of Hummingbird Lane (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve William “Bill” Newton to the CEWSA Board (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Charles “Ronnie” Bazzell to the Elmore Water and Sewer Authority (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Resolution recognizing Miss Chloe Wegner, Miss Alabama High School 2019 (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve scheduling a public hearing on March 11, 2019 for a 050 – Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and 070 – Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) Liquor License Application for Lake Jordan Bait and Tackle by Lake Jordan Bait and Tackle, LLC., 1165 Lightwood Road, Deatsville, AL 36022 (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with Central Alabama Electric Cooperative related to their broadband efforts (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve a Memorandum of Understanding and Resolutions regarding a Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) and Appalachian Regional Council (ARC) grant for the Elmore County Primary Care Center (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve a Resolution for Safety Coordinator (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 10)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of transfer of Darryl Eldridge, Mechanic I to Engineer Tech I (fill vacant position), effective 02/19/2019 (attachment 11)
- Notification of transfer of Mitch Savage, Shop Manager to Assistant Superintendent (replace B. Smith), effective 02/19/2019 (attachment 12)
- Notification of termination of Brandon Childers, Equipment Operator I , effective 02/19/2019 (attachment 13)
- Notification of retirement of Johnny Wright, Equipment Operator III, effective 03/01/2019 (attachment 14)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Daugherty moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes February 11, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, February 11, 2019
5:35 pm
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, February 11, 2019 at 5:35 pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Mercer gave the Invocation. Commissioner Reeves led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Minutes of the January 28, 2019 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of January 24, 2019 through February 1, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the request from petition and resolutions of the Elmore County Board of Education and Tallassee City Board of Education to set a special election for Tuesday, April 23, 2019 on (attachment 2):
• The renewal and continuation of the 1 mill countywide tax levied for public school purposes in the County; the proceeds of this tax are shared by the County Board and the Tallassee City Board according to a census-based formula provided by the State Department of Education
• The renewal and continuation of the 3 mill countywide tax levied for public school purposes in the County; the proceeds of this tax are shared by the two Boards of Education as set forth above
• The renewal and continuation of the 3 mill district tax levied for public school purposes in the County School Tax District, sometimes referred to as School District A
• The levy of a 3 mill district school tax in School District A; this tax, if approved, would replace the 3 mill district tax being levied in School District A under the provisions of Amendment No. 778 to the Alabama Constitution; and
• The renewal and continuation of the 3 mill district tax levied for public school purposes in School District T, which is the area of the City of Tallassee that lies in Elmore County (attachment 2).
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve Resolution requesting the Voting Center Change for Precinct 261 – Fain Center to Martin Luther King Jr. Recreational Center – due to tornado destruction of Fain Center. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously (attachment 3).
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve Sheriff’s Department surplusing a new vehicle and selling the same to the Wetumpka Police Department to assist in tornado recovery. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously (attachment 4).
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the resolution supporting ACCA efforts to seek additional revenue for county roads & bridges. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously (attachment 5).
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the resolution to widen, level, resurface and traffic stripe Deatsville Hwy from Millbrook City Limits north 5.5 miles to AL Hwy 143. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously (attachment 6).
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the resolution to widen, level, resurface and traffic stripe Foxwood Road from Autauga County Line east 0.3 miles to Deatsville Hwy. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously (attachment 7).
Commissioner Holt moved to approve awarding Bid Inquiry 2019-PW6 Aboveground Diesel and Unleaded Fuel Storage Tanks in the attached spreadsheet to the lowest responsible bidder. Action includes necessary budget amendments to Gasoline Fund (111) to handle the bid amount exceeding the budget estimate. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously (attachment 8).
Chairman Stubbs read a motion to approve or deny declaring the attached list of Highway Department Equipment surplus and selling same through JM Wood. Commissioner Mercer offered a revision to the agenda item requesting to surplus the list, but to remove the bus and sell it to the Elmore Volunteer Fire Department. He commented that the chief contacted him one month to six weeks ago about how to obtain a bus to do a countywide class. Deputy Chief Engineer, Luke McGinty, stated the bus was damaged by tornado and had a tree fall on it. He further mentioned it was bought off surplus from BOE for $1 in the past. Commissioner Mercer stated the benefits would be greater countywide than if it was surplused and sold. Commissioner Holt commented that he saw the bus himself, and a tree was laying across the top. Commissioner Mercer said it would be perfect, and they can get it to where they hold the class.
Commissioner Reeves moved to amend the surplus list and remove the bus from the list. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously (attachment 9).
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve declaring the attached list of Highway Department Equipment surplus excluding the bus and selling same through JM Wood (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve surplus of the bus and sale to the Elmore Volunteer Fire Department for $1 (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve advertisement of local legislation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously (attachment 10).
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 11)
- Approve Family Medical Leave Request for Kimberly Erb, Grant Coordinator/Executive Assistant (attachment 12)
- Approve Declaration of Emergency Illness for Kimberly Erb (attachment 13)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Paige Thornton, Business Personal Property Appraiser (replace C. Clements), effective 02/04/2019 (attachment 14)
- Notification of hire of Bryclynn Thornton, Part Time Corrections Officer (fill vacant position), effective 02/03/2019 (attachment 15)
- Notification of Promotion of Barry Smith, Highway Department Superintendent (replace L. Colley), effective 02/04/2019 (attachment 16)
Chairman Stubbs commented that all of the meetings are recorded and available on the website typically by the following morning and to share that information with anyone unable to join us tonight.
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, January 28, 2019
5:30 pm
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, January 28, 2019 at 5:30 pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Daugherty gave the Invocation. Commissioner Mercer led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the January 14, 2019 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of January 9, 2019 through January 23, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve appointing Fred Braswell to the CEWSA Board (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the resolution to widen, resurface and traffic stripe Coosada Parkway from Alabama River Parkway north 5.7 miles to AL Hwy 14 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of reclassification of Robert Rogers (Seth), from Sign Tech I to Equipment Operator I (fill vacant position), effective 01/14/2019 (attachment 4)
- Notification of resignation of Lee Colley, Highway Superintendent, effective 01/17/2019 (attachment 5)
- Notification of hire of Robert (Mike) Knighten, Chief Financial Officer (replace S. Cyriac), effective 02/04/2019 (attachment 6)
- Notification of hire of Kamra Templin, Corrections Officer (replace S. Dudley), effective 01/20/2019 (attachment 7)
- Notification of promotion of Stephen Dudley, Corrections Officer to PREA Coordinator (replace K. Williams), effective 01/20/2019 (attachment 8)
- Notification of promotion of Angelia Rigsby, Dispatcher to Dispatcher Tier II, effective 1/10/2019 (attachment 9)
- Notification of promotion of Ashley Cowart, Dispatcher to Dispatcher Tier II, effective 1/09/2019 (attachment 10)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission
from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes January 14, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, January 14, 2019
5:55 pm
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, January 14, 2019 at 5:55 pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Mercer gave the Invocation. Chairman Stubbs led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the December 10, 2018 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of December 4, 2018 through January 8, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve a 050 – Retail Beer (off Premises only) and 070 – Retail Table Wine (off Premises Only) Liquor License Transfer Application from Jones Shell to Kwik Sack 2 by Wallsboro, Inc., 10860 US Hwy 231 Wetumpka, AL 36092 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve adopting the Personnel Policies and Procedures of Elmore County, Alabama upon final review from County Attorney (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to appoint Desirae Lewis to the Healthcare Authority Board (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to appoint Daniel Thompson to the Healthcare Authority Board (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to reappoint Earl Ryser to the Healthcare Authority Board (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to appoint Deborah Holt to the Horseshoe Bend Regional Library Board (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer. Commissioner Holt abstained. Commissioners Daugherty, Mercer, Reeves and Chairman Stubbs all voted in favor of the motion. The motion carried.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to appoint Eric Jones to the EMS Board (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve suspending the rules of the Elmore County Commission regarding a 30-day Board Appointment policy concerning the CEWSA Board Appointment (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve ratifying the Town of Elmore’s appointment of Christopher Sisson to the EMS Board (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve authorizing Chairman and/or CEOO to execute Planned Service Agreement with Johnson Controls for Jail Boilers (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve setting a public hearing to consider the petition to vacate an unnamed road off Hummingbird Lane on February 25, 2019 (attachment 10). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve surplus and sale/disposal of miscellaneous computers and electronics (attachment 11)
- Approve proposed plat for Coventry Plat 1(attachment 12)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 13)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Antonio Sideris, Equipment Operator II (fill vacant position), effective 01/22/2019 (attachment 14)
- Notification of hire of Samuel Brown, Part-Time Equipment Operator I (fill budgeted p/t position), effective 02/22/2019 (attachment 15)
- Notification of hire of Stephanie Gates, Tag Clerk (replace A.Walker-Sims), effective 12/26/2018 (attachment 16)
- Notification of return from Military Leave of Blake Hicks, Deputy, effective 12/13/2018 (attachment 17)
- Notification of hire of Brian Combita Castiblanco, Corrections Officer (replace T. Hess), effective 12/10/18 (attachment 18)
- Notification of Promotion of William Robbins, Deputy to Investigator (replace R. Brouillard), effective 1/21/2019 (attachment 19)
- Notification of hire of Zachary Sumerlin, Deputy (replace W. Robbins), effective 1/20/2019 (attachment 20)
- Notification of resignation of Audrey McCord, Intelligence Analyst, effective 12/14/2018 (attachment 21)
- Notification of transfer of Richard Brouillard, Investigator to Drug Task Force, effective 01/21/2019 (attachment 22)
- Notification of resignation of Sunil Cyriac, Chief Financial Officer, effective 12/21/2018 (attachment 23)
Chairman Stubbs stated one item from Work Session – Important Calendar Dates – was listed incorrectly as February 11th for the holiday. He corrected the date to being closed February 18th for President’s Day.
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes December 10, 2018
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, December 10, 2018
5:55 pm
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, December 10, 2018 at 5:55 pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Reeves gave the Invocation. Commissioner Daugherty led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the November 26, 2018 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of November 17, 2018 through December 3, 2018 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Eagle Scout Project Proposal for Bicentennial Park (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve posting of notice that the revised Personnel Policies and Procedures of Elmore County, Alabama, will be considered for adoption at the regularly scheduled meeting on January 14, 2019 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve authorizing Chairman and CEOO to execute necessary documents to allow for the improvements to the entire length of Middle Rd through the exchange of in kind services by the County for inclusion of the County’s portion of Middle Road to be resurfaced under the Town of Eclectic’s CDBG awarded grant (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve scheduling a public hearing for a 050 – Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and 070 – Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) Liquor License Application for Kwik Sack 2 by Wallsboro, Inc., 10860 US Hwy 231, Wetumpka, AL 36092 on January 14, 2019 (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve amending Board Appointment Procedures to include a Candidate Request Form (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve accepting resignation of Phillip Gidiere from the Horseshoe Bend Regional Library Board (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve authorizing the Chairman to execute FY 2018 Homeland Security Cooperative Grant Agreements and amend budget to handle revenue and expenses (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve awarding Bid Inquiry No. 2019-13, Motor Grader Blades to the lowest responsible bidder, Tractor Equipment Company, Inc. (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve accepting resignation of Greg Jones from the EMS Board (attachment 10). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve the job description for Director of Safety, Insurance, and Human Resources (attachment 11)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 12)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire/reclassification of Courtney Clements, Business Personal Property Appraiser II, to the Director of Safety, Insurance and Human Resources, effective 12/31/2018 (attachment 13)
- Notification of reinstatement of Stephen Woodard, Building Maintenance Tech, effective 12/10/2018 (attachment 14)
- Notification of resignation of Monica Rose, Dispatcher, effective 11/30/2018 (attachment 15)
- Notification of retirement of Alma Walker-Sims, Tag Clerk, effective 12/31/2018 (attachment 16)
- Notification of hire of Ashley Cowart, Dispatcher Tier 1 (replace M. Rose), effective 12/17/2018 (attachment 17)
There were no Additions to the Reports
to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes November 26, 2018
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, November 26, 2018
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, November 26, 2018 at 5:10pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Mercer gave the Invocation. Commissioner Holt led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the November 14, 2018 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of November 7, 2018 through November 16, 2018 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve a 040 – Retail Beer (On or Off Premises) and a 060 – Retail Table Wine (On or Off Premises) Liquor License Application by Hog Wild BBQ, LLC for Hog Wild BBQ at 1333 Lightwood Rd, Deatsville, AL 36022 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve renewing Governmental Affairs Service Contract with Crosby Drinkard Group, LLC (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of termination of Tyler Hess, Corrections Officer, effective 11/19/18 (attachment 4)
- Notification of hire of Steven Bush, Corrections Officer (replace J. Wilson), effective 11/26/18 (attachment 5)
There were no Additions to the Reports
to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Daugherty moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes November 14, 2018
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 5:30pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Chairman Stubbs gave the Invocation. Commissioner Reeves led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Minutes of the October 22, 2018 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of October 16, 2018 through November 6, 2018 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Resolution amending the maximum carry over of vacation leave hours in the Personnel Policies and Procedures of Elmore County, Section 11.5.4 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve confirming FY2019 Meeting Dates Schedule as previously approved on 9/10/2018 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve setting a Public Hearing for a 040 – Retail Beer (On or Off Premises) and a 060 – Retail Table Wine (On or Off Premises) Liquor License Application by Hog Wild BBQ, LLC for Hog Wild BBQ at 1333 Lightwood Rd, Deatsville, AL 36022 (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Cooperative Participation Agreement between the Secretary of State and Elmore County Probate Office for electronic processing program (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to table renewing Governmental Affairs Service Contract with Crosby Drinkard Group, LLC. Commissioner Mercer stated although he spoke highly of renewing contract, with two commissioners absent and the importance of the contract, he moved to table the motion until next meeting. Mercer further commented he wanted to give the two commissioners an opportunity to be part of the vote and to hear their comments as well. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Resolution 11-13-2018 designating 2019 County Depositories (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Resolution to install Micro Surfacing and Traffic Stripe on Firetower Road from Redland Road north 3.9 miles to SR-14 (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Resolution to install Micro Surfacing and Traffic Stripe on Redland Road from Rifle Range Road east 7.4 miles to Marshell Road (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Family Medical Leave Request for Cynthia Nelson, Administrative Assistant (attachment 9)
- Approve Declaration of Emergency Illness for William C. Murphy (attachment 10)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 11)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Johnathon Hall, Deputy (replace D. Rewis), effective 10/16/18 (attachment 12)
- Notification of resignation of Jordan Wilson, Corrections Officer, effective 10/26/18 (attachment 13)
- Notification of reclassification of Sam Antley from Equipment Operator III to Construction Supervisor (replace J. Henderson), effective 10/29/18 (attachment 14)
- Notification of hire of Amanda Burbank, Administrative Assistant (fill vacant position), effective 11/13/18 (attachment 15)
- Notification of hire of Patricia Boddie, Administrative Assistant (fill vacant position), effective 11/13/18 (attachment 16)
- Notification of hire of Ernest Edwards, Equipment Operator II (fill vacant position), effective 11/13/18 (attachment 17)
- Notification of hire of Taylor Deininger, Equipment Operator II (fill vacant position), effective 11/13/18 (attachment 18)
There were no Additions to the Reports
to the Commission from the Work Session. Under Additions to the Reports from the Commission, Commissioner Mercer thanked his family for being there and for allowing him to serve. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes October 22, 2018
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, October 22, 2018
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, October 22, 2018 at 5:30pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Reeves gave the Invocation. Commissioner Mercer led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Minutes of the October 9, 2018 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of October 1, 2018 through October 15, 2018 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve appointing Thomas T. Lamberth to the Ridge Improvement District Board (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt. Commissioner Daugherty recused himself stating the candidate, Mr. Lamberth and himself are co-workers. Commissioners Holt, Mercer, Reeves and Chairman Stubbs voted in favor of the motion. The motion carried.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve endorsement of “Tribute to Veterans” annual event sponsored by Trinity Episcopal Church (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve posting notice for ten days in county offices and work areas regarding a change to the Personnel Policies and Procedures of Elmore County, Section 11.5.4 amending the maximum carry over of vacation leave hours (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve ratifying appointment of Charles Patrick to the Emergency Medical Service Board by the Town of Elmore (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve Westlaw Database 3-year contract with Thomson Reuters for the Probate Office (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Sheriff’s Office camera quote from Information Transport Solutions, Inc. (ITS) (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Family Leave Request for Barry Smith (attachment 9)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 10)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of resignation of Dorothy Faust, Board of Registrars, effective 9/17/18 (attachment 11)
- Notification of appointment of Darwin Prewitt, Board of Registrars, effective 10/16/18 (attachment 12)
- Notification of promotion of William “Kane” Maklary, Investigator (replace J. Evans), effective 10/01/18 (attachment 13)
- Notification of promotion of Truman Franklin, Investigator (replace D. Slay), effective 10/01/18 (attachment 14)
- Notification of promotion of James Talley, Lieutenant (fill vacant rank position), effective 10/01/18 (attachment 15)
- Notification of promotion of Donald Foster, Sergeant (fill vacant rank position), effective 10/1/018 (attachment 16)
- Notification of resignation of Donnie Rewis, Deputy, effective 10/15/18 (attachment 17)
There were no Additions to the Reports
to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman
Commission Meeting Minutes October 9, 2018
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 5:35pm in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Mercer gave the Invocation. Commissioner Daugherty led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the September 24, 2018 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of September 19, 2018 through September 30, 2018 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute documents with Primesouth Bank to establish office use accounts for the Sheriff to handle the feeding of inmates (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve Humane Society of Elmore County FY19 Agreement (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve Commission Office Sharp Copier Lease Agreement State of Alabama T190 Contract (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve CADTF Canon Copier Lease Agreement under State of Alabama Contract (NASPO) (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve awarding the ACCA Region 4 Debris Removal Contract to KDF Enterprises, LLC (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve awarding the ACCA Region 4 Debris Monitoring Service Contract to Tetra Tech, Inc. (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve Declaration of Emergency Illness for Barry Smith (attachment 7)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Monica Rose, Dispatcher Tier 1, effective 9/30/18 (attachment 8)
- Notification of resignation of James Jewell, Dispatcher Tier 1, effective 9/28/18 (attachment 9)
- Notification of termination of Justin Taylor, Corrections Officer, effective 9/24/18 (attachment 10)
- Notification of hire of Joshua Tidwell, Corrections Officer (replace J. Taylor), effective 9/30/18 (attachment 11)
There were no Additions to the Reports
to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman