Commission Meeting Minutes FY 2025
Commission Meeting Minutes October 15, 2024
Commission Meeting Minutes October 28, 2024
Commission Meeting Minutes November 13, 2024
Commission Meeting Minutes November 25, 2024
Commission Meeting Minutes December 9, 2024
Commission Meeting Minutes January 13, 2025
Commission Meeting Minutes January 27, 2025
Commission Meeting Minutes February 10, 2025
Archived Commission Meeting Minutes
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, March 10, 2025
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, March 10, 2025 at 5:36pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mercer. Commissioner Davis gave the Invocation. Commissioner Jackson led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Brad Davis, Dennis Hill, Desirae Lewis Jackson, and Chairman Bart Mercer. The following proceedings were had to wit:
Special Presentation:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve Resolution honoring the achievements of Dominic Sager, AHSAA Class 6A Wrestling State Champion [285-pound weight class] (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve Resolution honoring the achievements of Juliana Eldridge, AHSAA Class 6A-7A Girls Wresting State Champion [114-pound weight class] (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve Resolution honoring the achievements of Tyler Payton, AHSAA Class 5A Wrestling State Champion [157-pound weight class] (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve Resolution honoring the achievements of Tra’mel McCoy, AHSAA Class 1A-4A Wrestling State Champion [165-pound weight class] (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve Resolution honoring the achievements of Land Bell, AHSAA Class 1A-4A Wrestling State Champion [150-pound weight class] (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve Resolution honoring the achievements of Thomas Patterson, AHSAA Class 1A-4A Wrestling State Champion [106-pound weight class] (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve Resolution honoring the achievements of Nolan Addeo, AHSAA Class 1A-4A Wrestling State Champion [215-pound weight class] (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve Resolution honoring the achievements of Mason Nelson, AHSAA Class 1A-4A Wrestling State Champion [113-pound weight class] (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve Resolution recognizing the Tallassee High School Wrestling Team as the AHSAA Class 1A-4A State Dual Champions (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve Resolution recognizing the Tallassee High School Wrestling Team as the AHSAA Class 1A-4A State Wrestling Champions (attachment 10). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve the Minutes of the February 24, 2025 Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of February 15, 2025 to February 28, 2025 (attachment 11). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Commissioner Hill moved to approve the proposed vacation of the remaining portion of Maverick Circle (attachment 12). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
New Business:
Commissioner Davis moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute Resolution and necessary documents to form the 17 Springs Cooperative District (attachment 13). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute Resolution and necessary documents to form the Marketplace Cooperative District (attachment 14). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
Under Additional Reports to the Commission from the Work Session, Commissioner Hill emphasized the serious issue of suicides that the Sheriff’s Office has been investigating in the County over recent months. Having witnessed these events firsthand he understands their impact on both the families and the officers. Sometimes a simple question like “How are you doing?” can save someone’s life.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Jackson moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, February 24, 2025
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, February 24, 2025 at 5:23pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mercer. Commissioner Hines gave the Invocation. Commissioner Hill led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Brad Davis, Dennis Hill, Desirae Lewis Jackson, and Chairman Bart Mercer. The following proceedings were had to wit:
Special Presentation:
Commissioner Davis moved to approve Resolution honoring the service of Coach Jayson Hall and Nurse Kristen Wright (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve the Minutes of the February 10, 2025 Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of February 1, 2025 to February 14, 2025 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Commissioner Hines moved to appoint William Newton to the Central Elmore Water and Sewer Authority Board (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to appoint Theodore Robert Ward to the Elmore Water and Sewer Authority Board (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
New Business:
Commissioner Hines moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute Agreements with eight municipalities, Elmore County Probate Judge, and the Board of Registrars to provide service to assist with the 2025 municipal elections (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve awarding the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Request for Proposal to the lowest responsible bidder (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve revisions to the Policy on Public Notice Regarding Blanket Conditions of Elmore County Roads and Bridges (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
There were no additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Hill moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, February 10, 2025
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 5:10pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mercer. Commissioner Jackson gave the Invocation. Chairman Mercer led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Brad Davis, Dennis Hill, Desirae Lewis Jackson, and Chairman Bart Mercer. The following proceedings were had to wit:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Minutes of the January 27, 2025 Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of January 18, 2025 through January 31, 2025 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
New Business:
Commissioner Hines moved to approve awarding Bid Inquiry 2025-PW9, Improvements to Elmore County High School Athletic Plaza, to the lowest responsible bidder (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
Under Additional Reports to the Commission from the Work Session, Commissioner Hines invited everyone to attend the Grand Opening of 17 Springs Phase II on February 18th.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Jackson moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, January 27, 2025
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, January 27, 2025 at 5:43pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mercer. Commissioner Hill gave the Invocation. Commissioner Davis led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Brad Davis, Dennis Hill, Desirae Lewis Jackson, and Chairman Bart Mercer. The following proceedings were had to wit:
Special Presentation:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve recognizing Stanhope Elmore High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month Proclamation (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve the Minutes of the January 13, 2025 Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of January 4, 2025 through January 17, 2025 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
New Business:
Commissioner Hines moved to approve Resolution honoring the service of David R. Brunson (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve authorizing Sheriff to execute three-year lease for Sheriff Department copiers off State Contract (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute land transfer with the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve setting a Public Hearing on Monday, March 10, 2025 at 5pm to consider vacating the remaining portion of Maverick Circle (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
There were no additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Jackson moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, January 13, 2025
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, January 13, 2025 at 5:34pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mercer. Chairman Mercer gave the Invocation. Commissioner Hines led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Brad Davis, Dennis Hill, Desirae Lewis Jackson, and Chairman Bart Mercer. The following proceedings were had to wit:
Special Presentation:
Commissioner Hines moved to approve the Resolution recognizing Edgewood Academy Volleyball Team as the AISA AA State Champions (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commission Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Minutes of the December 9, 2024 Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of November 30, 2024 through January 3, 2025 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Commissioner Hines moved to approve awarding Region 4 Debris Removal Monitoring Services contract for the Alabama County Joint Bid Program to Tetra Tech, Inc. (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
New Business:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute On Demand Juvenile Housing Agreement with East Alabama Regional Center and provide the necessary budget amendments to handle the associated expenses (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve Agency Agreement for National Voting Rights Act (NVRA) voter notifications postage (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute lease renewal Agreement with First Choice Women’s Medical Center (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute Policy for Subscription Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs) (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve advertising the proposed Enhance Elmore legislation (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve accepting FY2024 County Rebuild Alabama Annual Report (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve amending the FY2025 Rebuild Alabama County Transportation Plan to include one additional site on Ceasarville Road and one new site on Cobbs Ford Road (attachment 10). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute Construction Agreement with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) for Resurfacing on CR-23 (Lightwood Road) from SR-111 (Holtville Road) to Lake Haven Drive; Project #STPMN-2625 (250), ECP 26-64-24 (attachment 11). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
There were no additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session.
Commissioner Jackson acknowledged the presence of the Quest Family, who were in attendance and are constituents from her district. The Chairman welcomed them and expressed gratitude for them attending the meeting this evening.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Jackson moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, December 9, 2024
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 5:41pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mercer. Commissioner Davis gave the Invocation. Commissioner Jackson led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Brad Davis, Dennis Hill, Desirae Lewis Jackson, and Chairman Bart Mercer. The following proceedings were had to wit:
Special Presentation:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Resolution recognizing Prattville Christian Academy Volleyball Team as the AHSAA 4A State Champions (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commission Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve the Resolution honoring the achievements of Camden Mask, AHSAA Class 1A-5A 100-yard Breaststroke State Champion (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Minutes of the November 25, 2024 Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of November 16, 2024 through November 29, 2024 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Commissioner Davis moved to appoint Dana Walters, Mark Baker, Dr. Martin Lyons, and Lisa Van Wagner to the Elmore County Health Care Authority Board (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
New Business:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve Resolution authorizing the issuance of the County’s $26,015,000 General Obligation Warrants, Series 2024 for the purpose of financing certain capital improvements within the County (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve Chairman and/or COO to execute agreement with Carastar Health and Autauga County for Mobile Crisis Services (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve awarding Region 4 Debris Removal Services contract for the Alabama County Joint Bid Program to DRC Emergency Services, LLC (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve awarding Bid Inquiry 2025-PW8 Bridge Guardrail Installation and Repair to the lowest responsible bidder (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve awarding Bid Inquiry 2025-14 15 Ton Trailer to the lowest responsible bidder (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Chief Engineer, Luke McGinty notified Chairman that an item under New Business was missed. Guardrail Bid was read and approved.
Personnel Notifications:
Under Additional Reports to the Commission from the Work Session, Mr. McGinty asked if motion was made for Consent Docket, Chairman Mercer confirmed it was.
Commissioner Hines requested “Minutes” to be added to the first item under Regular Business to read “Motion to approve the Minutes of the November 25, 2024 Commission Meeting.” Attorney Jeff Courtney agreed.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Hines moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, November 25, 2024
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, November 25, 2024 at 5:17pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mercer. Commissioner Hines gave the Invocation. Commissioner Hill led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Brad Davis, Dennis Hill, Desirae Lewis Jackson, and Chairman Bart Mercer. The following proceedings were had to wit:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Minutes of the November 13, 2024 Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of November 2, 2024 through November 15, 2024 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Commissioner Davis moved to approve a 011 – Lounge Retail Liquor – Class II (Package) Alcohol License Transfer Application from Kent Liquors by Convenience Acquisitions Inc to DHR Management LLC at 3400 Kent Road, Tallassee, AL 36078 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve a 050 – Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and 070 – Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) Alcohol License Transfer Application from The Corner Store by Convenience Acquisitions Inc to DHR Management LLC at 3408 Kent Road, Tallassee, AL 36078 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to appoint James Brandon Cardwell, Ginger Henry, and Eric Jones to the Elmore County EMS Board (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
New Business:
Commissioner Hines moved to approve ratifying appointment of Chief Leon Smith Jr. to represent the Town of Coosada on the Elmore County Emergency Medical Services Board (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve ratifying appointment of Christopher Sisson to represent the Town of Elmore on the Elmore County Emergency Medical Services Board (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve ratifying appointment of Greg Willis to represent the City of Wetumpka on the Elmore County Emergency Medical Services Board (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve ratifying appointment of Asst. Chief David Rogers to represent the City of Tallassee on the Elmore County Emergency Medical Services Board (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve ratifying appointment of Sandy Bradshaw to represent the Town of Deatsville on the Elmore County Emergency Medical Services Board (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve appointing Chairman Bart Mercer as the Commission representative on the Elmore County Emergency Medical Services Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve authorizing Chairman and COO to enter into Second Amendment to ACCA’s IAC Program Maintenance and Support Agreement (attachment 10). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve revisions to the County Credit Card Purchases Policy and Procedure and authorize Chairman and COO to execute Policy and Resolution (attachment 11). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute 2024 Homeland Security Grant Awards and make necessary budget amendments to accommodate the execution of the grants (attachment 12). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously
Personnel Notifications:
There were no additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Jackson moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Elmore County Commission
Combined Work Session and Business Meeting
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Five Elmore County Commissioners were sworn into office on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 10:00am in the Elmore County Courthouse Courtroom. Immediately following the swearing in, the meeting was called to order by Richie Beyer, Chief Operations Officer. Judge Bill Lewis gave the Invocation. Probate Judge John Thornton led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called by Brittany Myers, Executive Assistant. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Brad Davis, Dennis Hill, Bart Mercer, and Desirae Lewis Jackson the following proceedings were had to wit:
Regular Business:
Commissioner Hines moved to adopt Rules of Procedure for the Elmore County Commission (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to combine Work Session and Business Meeting for this November 13, 2024 meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to nominate Commissioner Mercer as Chairman. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Chief Operations Officer Beyer turned the meeting over to Chairman Mercer.
Chairman Mercer appointed Commissioner Hines as Vice-Chairman.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve the Minutes of the October 28, 2024 Commission Meeting as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of October 19, 2024 to November 1, 2024 (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis and passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Chairman Mercer read a notice of (3) appointments to the Elmore County EMS Board with the appointment due November 25, 2024. The candidates listed were James Brandon Cardwell, Ginger Henry, Lois Pribulick, and Eric Jones.
Chairman Mercer read a notice of (5) appointments to the Elmore County Health Care Authority Board, appointments due December 9, 2024. The candidates listed were Greg Willis, Dana Walters, Mark Baker, Dr. Martin Lyons, and Frank Barnett.
New Business:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve reaffirming the remainder of the FY2025 Commission Meeting dates as previously adopted (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve reaffirming the remainder of the FY2025 Holiday Schedule dates as previously adopted (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve setting a Public Hearing on Monday, November 25, 2024 at 5pm for a 011 – Lounge Retail Liquor - Class II (Package) Alcohol License Transfer Application from Kent Liquors by Convenience Acquisitions to DHR Management LLC at 3400 Kent Road, Tallassee, AL 36078 (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Davis moved to approve setting a Public Hearing on Monday, November 25, 2024 at 5pm for a 050 – Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and 070 – Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) Alcohol License Transfer Application from The Corner Store by Convenience Acquisitions Inc to DHR Management LLC at 3408 Kent Road, Tallassee, AL 36078 (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
There were no additions to the Reports to the Commission from the combined Work Session and Business Meeting.
Reports from the Commission:
Commissioner Hines stated he is very thankful to Elmore County for his re-election. He expressed that it is an honor to be able to serve Elmore County for the next 4 years. He is looking forward to helping the County move forward in a positive way. Hines also thanked his fellow Commissioners, Richie Beyer, and staff. He is looking forward to another 4 years in Elmore County.
Commissioner Davis stated he did not have a speech prepared, but will echo what Commissioner Hines stated. Davis expressed that this is an honor.
Commissioner Hill stated he is thankful for everyone here. Hill is thankful the Lord opened the door for him to become a County Commissioner and has continued to leave it open for him and his wife. Hill gives credit to his wife, who helps him on his frustrated days, she is his lifeline and keeps him grounded. The last 2 years of serving on the Elmore County Commission have been very interesting. He said all the Commissioners like each other, and it is a good feeling. He has really enjoyed being here, serving District 3 and Elmore County. He would also like to thank the staff.
Commissioner Jackson also thanked her District 5 residents for being here and for re-election for a 2nd term. Jackson stated we are a team that will work hard together to move forward in Elmore County. She stated her District was not previously unified, it took working hard together to move her District forward in Elmore County. She stated the Commissioners all joke together, but they also handle business together. She is thankful for all the staff, family, and the COO, Richie Beyer. Jackson expressed thankfulness for being re-elected and being able to serve for the next 4 years
Chairman Mercer offered gratitude for being able to serve for another 4 years. Mercer stated this is his 3rd term, and it is an honor to represent District 4 as well as serve as Chairman. Mercer welcomed Commissioner Davis and feels he is well prepared. He appreciates everyone being here and for all the support the Commissioners receive. Mercer stated sometimes this job is not easy, but that is what the Commissioners signed up for. Mercer expressed to the citizens that if they have a question about something in the County, please call us. The Elmore County website has the Commissioners cell phone numbers listed. Mercer would rather a citizen call to ask a question and get the truth instead of listening to others. Mercer stated their job is to be the person between the citizens and the County Government. Mercer thanked his family, judges, and fellow elected officials for being present during the Swearing in ceremony.
Chairman Mercer called for the Important Calendar Dates to be reviewed.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Jackson moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, October 28, 2024
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, October 28, 2024 at 5:43pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mercer. Commissioner Jackson gave the Invocation. Chairman Mercer led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Mack Daugherty, Dennis Hill, Desirae Lewis Jackson, and Chairman Bart Mercer. The following proceedings were had to wit:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Minutes of the October 15, 2024 Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of October 5, 2024 through October 18, 2024 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
New Business:
Commissioner Hines moved to approve Operation Green Light Resolution (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve Chairman to execute a sales contract with Herron Family Farms to sell 0.27 acres adjacent to Ware Road (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve Chairman to execute a land purchase agreement with Daxw Properties and Chad Barrett to purchase 6.37 acres adjacent to Minnie Knight Road (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
Under Additional Reports to the Commission from the Work Session, Chairman Mercer invited all in attendance to the reception honoring Commissioner Daugherty.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Hines moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 5:41pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mercer. Commissioner Hill gave the Invocation. Commissioner Daugherty led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Henry Hines, Mack Daugherty, Dennis Hill, Desirae Lewis Jackson, and Chairman Bart Mercer. The following proceedings were had to wit:
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the Minutes of the September 23, 2024 Commission Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of September 14, 2024 through October 4, 2024 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
New Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve FY2025 Diversion Grant Agreement with Alabama Department of Youth Services (DYS) and authorize Chairman to execute agreement (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve Chairman to execute Digital Information Cooperative Agreement with ALDOT (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve renewal of Crosby Drinkard Group, LLC Governmental Affairs Consulting Service contract for 2025 (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve Chairman and/or Chief Engineer to execute (5) five-year lease for a new Canon Large Format Plotter with ABS Business Systems of Montgomery for the Elmore County Public Works Department (attachment 6). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approved adopting Elmore County Electronic Signature Policy (attachment 7). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with ADCNR for improvements to the Kowaliga Boat Ramp (attachment 8). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hines and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hines moved to approve Bid Inquiry 2024-PW10, West Elmore Sewer Group Lift Station and Sewage Transmission Main to the lowest responsible bidder, Jordan Excavating Company (attachment 9). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jackson moved to approve Chairman to execute ADEM Marketing Demonstration Project Agreement for 17 Springs (attachment 10). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hill and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve Chairman to execute cooperative maintenance agreement with ALDOT to maintain landscaping at exit 179 and 181 in cooperation with the City of Prattville and Millbrook (attachment 11). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hill moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Personnel Notifications:
There were no additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Hines moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jackson and passed unanimously.
Administrative Complex Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Sat - Sun Closed
(Doors close to the public @ 4:15pm)
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Mon - Thu 6:00 am - 4:30 pm
Fri - Sun Closed
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