Commission Meeting Minutes June 24, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, June 24, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, June 24, 2019 at 5:40pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Holt gave the Invocation. Commissioner Mercer led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Troy Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve the Minutes of the June 10, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of June 5, 2019 through June 19, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve a 30 day extension to identify candidates for appointment to the Community Action Partnership of Middle Alabama. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Holt moved to approve extending inmate telephone agreement with Securus Technologies (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve 2020 Domestic Violence grant application and authorize the Chairman execute and approve the County’s match of $19,626.06 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
- Approve proposed plat of the Estates at Wildwood (attachment 4)
- Approve surplus and sale of Highway Department 2005 Ford F-250 (attachment 5)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 6)
- Approve Declaration of Emergency Illness for Cindy Nelson, Administrative Assistant (attachment 7)
- Approve 40 hours sick leave donation from Luke McGinty to Cindy Nelson (attachment 8)
- Approve 40 hours sick leave donation from Richie Beyer to Cindy Nelson (attachment 9)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Vicky Strickland, Tag Clerk (replace L. Baker), effective 6/09/19 (attachment 10)
- Notification of hire of Savannah Jo Deininger, Tag Clerk (fill vacant position), effective 6/09/19 (attachment 11)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman