Commission Meeting Minutes June 10, 2019
Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2019
The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, June 10, 2019 at 5:45pm in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Commissioner Reeves gave the Invocation. Chairman Stubbs led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Troy Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:
Under Regular Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Minutes of the May 23, 2019 Commission Meeting as presented during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of May 18, 2019 through June 4, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Under Old Business:
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute sales agreement and ancillary documents with the City of Wetumpka for the Thames Building at 121. E. Bridge Street, Wetumpka, AL (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty. Commissioner Holt voted against the motion. The motion carried.
Under New Business:
Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve Annual Report on Errors, Insolvents and Litigations on taxes for 2018 (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve acceptance of RC&D Grant (for CERT training materials) including necessary budget amendments (attachment 4). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reeves and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reeves moved to approve accepting resignation of Wendell Saxon from the Crenshaw Community Park Board (attachment 5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Consent Docket
as follows:
- Approve surplus and sale of Revenue Commission Dodge R1500 (attachment 6)
- Approve surplus and sale of Commission Office Dodge Durango (attachment 7)
- Approve 105 hours sick leave donation from Anthony Edwards to Angela Rigsby (attachment 8)
- Approve Travel Memo (attachment 9)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.
Under Personnel Notifications:
- Notification of hire of Rhonda Penn, Crenshaw Park Summer Counselor, effective 5/30/19 (attachment 10)
- Notification of hire of Raven Crenshaw, Crenshaw Park Summer Counselor, effective 5/30/19 (attachment 11)
- Notification of transfer of Sarah Glenn, Tag Clerk to Probate Clerk (replace J. Smith), effective 5/26/19 (attachment 12)
- Notification of resignation of Linda Baker, Tag Clerk, effective 6/7/19 (attachment 13)
There were no Additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Reeves moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.
Troy Stubbs, Chairman