DEL - April 25, 2019 Commission Meeting Minutes

Commission Meeting Minutes 
 April 25, 2019

Commission Meeting Minutes April 25, 2019

Elmore County Commission
Business Meeting
Thursday, April 25, 2019
9:53 am


The Elmore County Commission met in Regular Session on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 9:53 am in the Elmore County Historic Courthouse Courtroom. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Stubbs. Presiding Juvenile Judge, Patrick Pinkston gave the Invocation. Commissioner Reeves led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called. There being present Commissioners Kenny Holt, Mack Daugherty, Bart Mercer, Earl Reeves, and Chairman Stubbs the following proceedings were had to wit:

Under Regular Business:

Commissioner Mercer moved to approve the Minutes of the April 8, 2019 Commission Meeting as amended during the Work Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.

Commissioner Daugherty moved to approve the Memorandum of Warrants for the period of April 3, 2019 through April 17, 2019 (attachment 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.

Under New Business: 

Commissioner Reeves moved to approve Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation (attachment 2). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mercer and passed unanimously.

Commissioner Mercer moved to approve authorizing Chairman to execute resolution for CDBG Economic Development Float Loan Funds to be utilized for the construction of a new medical facility in Wetumpka (attachment 3). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holt and passed unanimously.

Commissioner Reeves moved to approve the Consent Docket as follows:
  • Approve Travel Memo (attachment 4)
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.

Under Personnel Notifications: 

  • Notification of termination of Benjamin Patrick, Equipment Operator I, effective 04/08/19 (attachment 5)
  • Notification of hire of Justin Fomby, Mechanic I (fill vacant slot), effective 05/13/19 (attachment 6)
  • Notification of hire of Tony Gardner, Equipment Operator II, (fill vacant slot), effective 04/29/19 (attachment 7)

During Additions to the Reports to the Commission from the Work Session, Chief Engineer and Operations Officer, Richie Beyer, notified the Commission that the contract was executed for the document management component of countywide dispatch software upgrades as approved in FY 19 Budget. Richie recommended talking to the different groups about opportunities for civic responsibilities. Mr. Beyer said the students would have opportunities to talk with a lot of great staff and should ask about career opportunities through the agencies they were visiting with and with the county. He encouraged the students to take the Commissioners advice to ask questions. Mr. Beyer also thanked the staff for the work they did to prepare for the event. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Mercer moved to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Daugherty and passed unanimously.

Troy Stubbs, Chairman 
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